Today 2025. February 23., Sunday, Alfréd he has a day. Tomorrow Mátyás he will have a day.
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Friday, 12 September 2008 15:10

I was born in 1951 and started painting in 2000. More precisely, I restarted the thing I had given up at the age of 19 after four years of studying fine arts. Life, however, set me a different path. For the sake of my beloved family – although it may be only an excuse – I chose another kind of creative profession and source of living: I became a layout and graphic designer. I graduated from the Academy of Journalism where I taught as a guest teacher later. There are thirty years of successful work behind me. I participated in the creation of many papers and magazines as well as designing a good number of other print materials. 

All my three children have already “left the nest”. My wife and I moved to a more beautiful and quieter place where a new life started. Still working though, I happily paint whenever I have time. I’d like to share the moments of past years and present time with you. I hope, you’ll enjoy them!

Last Updated on Friday, 06 March 2009 08:53